Direct News And Events
Shaping the Future of Disability Services in Arizona
Arizona Statewide Independent Living Council (AZSILC) is in the middle of a critical initiative —a comprehensive survey poised to shape the future of disability services in our state.
Arizona Disability Advocacy Coalition DAY AT THE CAPITOL
Join AZDAC on Tuesday, February 6, 2024, for our Capitol Day! Meet your legislators, attend committee hearings, observe the legislature in action, and advocate for individuals with disabilities.
Tell the Census Bureau: Nothing About Us Without Us!
Tell the Census Bureau: Nothing About Us Without Us! The Census Bureau has proposed changes to the disability questions in the American Community Survey that will negatively impact the collected data. There is a strong possibility of undercounting the disability population, leading to reduced funding for critical federal programs.
Disabled and Proud: Celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities in Tucson
The International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD), observed annually on December 3rd, was established in 1992 by the United Nations General Assembly. The essence of IDPD lies in its aim to raise awareness at every societal level, from grassroots communities to international platforms.
Accessing Health Care Workshop
Do you feel overwhelmed in healthcare situations? Do you wish you could remove barriers to get the care you need? In our Accessing Health Care Workshop Series, you will learn about the various legal rights you have, self-advocacy, and strategies to keep Health Care costs down.
Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness Month
The month of June goes purple in recognition of Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month. Direct has a new workshop series starting June 20, with the first session covering Self-Advocacy in healthcare settings. Check it out!
Build the Power of the Disability Vote!
Build the power of the disability vote with us during the 2022 Disability Voting Rights Week, and National Voter Registration Day.
Free Education Course On Voting
Join us to learn about the powers of the people – Initiatives, Referendums, and Recalls. We will help make sense of it all! The training is virtual via Zoom on September 29, 1 pm to 2:30 pm.
Celebrating The Americans With Disability Act
The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) advances inclusion of individuals with disabilities by federal contractors in all aspects of employment, including in hiring and promotions.
The Importance of Web Accessibility During a Pandemic
The pandemic has shown the vital importance of web accessibility, as state and local governments and businesses rely increasingly on web-based operations
Closing the Health Equity Gap
Despite legal civil rights protections, individuals with disabilities continue encountering barriers to full and equal access to health care services and facilities. So in honor of National Public Health Week, we are proud to debut the Ensuring Health Care Access for People with Disabilities guide.
Tucson Police Use of Force Letter
The Tucson Police Department used excessive force, which resulted in the death of Richard Lee Richards, a 61-year-old man with a disability. As an organization committed to social justice for people with disabilities, we must bring our concerns and recommendations to your immediate attention.
Planet Fitness Announces Accessible Exercise Equipment For People with Disabilities
Planet Fitness will enhance the amount and variety of accessible equipment provided at its clubs by adding new inclusive equipment that conforms with ASTM standards.
The Disability Vote Counts!
A national, nonpartisan campaign focuses on registering, educating, and preparing voters with disabilities for upcoming elections and beyond.
Prepare to Protect this September!
National Preparedness Month, begins in September, Direct AZ is acutely aware of the importance of inclusive preparedness planning to ensure equitable policies and response.
An investment in people, an investment for the future. Contact your legislators in the House and Senate and urge them to invest in people, to invest in the future by supporting the Better Care Better Jobs Act.