Prepare to Protect this September!
National Preparedness Month, commemorated in September, promotes the importance of disaster/emergency planning. The 2021 theme is “Prepare to Protect. Preparing for disasters is protecting everyone you love.”
As an organization operated by and for people with disabilities, Direct Advocacy & Resource Center is acutely aware of the importance of inclusive preparedness planning to ensure equitable policies and response. To this end, Direct participates in local, state, and national preparedness activities such as:
Co-leading the Access & Functional Needs Committee for the Pima County Health Department grant focused on “Addressing Needs of People with Disabilities in COVID-19 Local Preparedness Planning, Mitigation, and Recovery Efforts” through the National Association of County Health Officials (NACCHO)
Serving as a member of the Ethics Committee for Pima County Health Department’s Pandemic Response
Serving as a member of the AZ Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) Emergency Preparedness Committee
Participating in Community Organizations Active in Disasters (Southeastern AZ)
Serving as a member of the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) Emergency Planning Subcommittee
We thank all of the individuals and organizations that work diligently to enhance emergency preparedness and response for people with diverse disabilities. Every effort counts. Together, we can ensure that our community members stay safe.