Linkages Greater Focus on Advocacy

Direct Linkages logo.  A chain link encircled in a golden circle with a swooshing arrow pointing down to the word Linkages.

Linkages was founded in 1997 and was a non-profit until 3 years ago when it became a program at Direct Advocacy & Resource Center (Direct). Direct was excited to have Linkages as a program focused on advocating the benefits of hiring people with disabilities to employers because advocacy work is at the heart of Direct’s mission – Advocating voice, choice, and independence for people with disabilities.   

Over the past 3 years, there have been changes to focus Linkages’ work on advocacy. One of the biggest and most recent adjustments made was phasing out the Linkages website and job board. This decision was not made quickly, but after connecting with stakeholders who use the Linkages program, we learned that none of them found value in using the website or job board.

As a small non-profit, it did not make sense to maintain something with financial and human resources that our stakeholders did not find helpful. Also, it felt counter to who we are as a Center for Independent Living to maintain a segregated job board.  Moving forward, we will focus our efforts on advocating for equal access and competitive, integrated employment.

a young man in a wheelchair wearing a lab coat is surrounded by various scientific equipment

People with disabilities should be able to use any job board available to the public. They should also be able to attend any job fair open to the community.

Through focused efforts on advocating for access, there will ultimately be more opportunities for people with disabilities.  The Linkages program is still linking employers to job seekers with disabilities through our Employment Specialist Network. Learn about how you can get involved  

Hailey Thoman, Associate Director

Hailey has worked in disability rights since 2011. Most of Hailey’s work has been focused on eliminating barriers to employment for people with disabilities while Executive Director for Linkages. She expanded her advocacy efforts when joining Direct Advocacy & Resource Center in 2019.

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