Disability Employment Awareness Month

Did you know that the employment rate for individuals with disabilities is 44.6% lower than their nondisabled peers? In recognition of National Disability Employment Awareness Month during October, we are highlighting one way we are bringing justice to the lack of employment for people with disabilities.

Direct’s Linkages Program advocates and builds relationships that create employment opportunities. Linkages does this by:

  • Educating employers on the benefits of hiring people with disabilities and building our alliance of Employer Partners

  • Supporting our Employment Specialist Network who work for organizations throughout the community and directly work with jobseekers

  • Sharing our Employer Partner’s job openings in a weekly email blast to our Employment Specialist Network

  • Hosting accessible hiring events to directly link our Employer Partners with qualified jobseekers with disabilities

Here is what our Employer Partners have to say about working with us:

“We embrace people with disabilities through creating employment opportunities. Working with Linkages helps us to achieve this philosophy.”

– Juan Ortega, JP Industries

“As an employee that works for a company that values diversity and supports the community, it is essential for us to partner with the dedicated advocates at Linkages to help serve and raise the access to the high need, low resource communities in Tucson.”

– Nicole Heston, Tucson Federal Credit Union

“We have such a high regard for your agency and the community that benefits from your outreach. We are always pleased to provide opportunities to individuals with disabilities and to promote a workforce that embraces inclusion. We look forward to continued involvement with Linkages, its partners, and participants.”

– Jeff Finch, Jim Click Ford Automotive Group

Are you an employer interested in partnering or an employment specialist who wants to join our network? Please contact me at: ToddW@Directaz.org or 520-337-2478. Source, US Bureau of Labor Statistics


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