Getting Healthy Together: Why Health Fairs Are Important

Scrabble game pieces that spell live well.

 In March, when the weather warms and everything feels renewed, it's a great time to focus on our health. That's why health fairs are so important during this month. They help us learn about caring for ourselves, preventing sickness, and connecting with others in our community.

Direct is involved in three health fairs in March, and we would love for you to join us:

  1. Location: Direct Advocacy & Resource Center 

    1001 N Alvernon Way, Tucson, AZ 85711

    Date: Wednesday, March 13

    Time: 10 am – 3 pm

    *Skip the line and register for your vaccine time

  2. Location: Douglas Campus Lawn 

    4190 West Highway 80

    Date: Wednesday, March 20

    Time: 10 am – 1 pm

  3. Location: Sierra Vista Campus Lawn 

    901 N Colombo Ave

    Date: Thursday, March 21

    Time: 10 am – 1 pm 

At each health fair, we partner with local health departments and offer gift cards for those who get vaccinated for the flu and/or COVID-19 while supplies last.

 Not sure why to attend a health fair? Let's consider some benefits:

  • Getting Back on Track: Just like nature wakes in spring, we can use this time to wake our health routines. Health fairs allow us to check how we're doing and get expert advice.

  • Being Part of the Community: Health fairs unite health professionals, community organizations, and people like you. They're a great opportunity to network and find help when we need it.

  • Learning How to Stay Healthy: Health fairs aren't just about tests. They're also about learning how to take care of ourselves. We might pick up tips on things like how to eat healthier or relieve stress.

  • Stopping Problems Before They Start: It's much easier to stay healthy if we catch problems early. Health fairs can spot things like high blood pressure or cholesterol so we can fix them before they get worse.

Health fairs are all about helping us get healthier and feel good together. They remind us to pay attention to our health, get support from our community, and take action to live our best lives. So, let's use March as a time to focus on feeling great and looking after ourselves!

*Please bring your health insurance cards. Vaccines are free, but insurance providers may be billed.

Again and Disability Vaccination Collaborative Logo

This publication is supported by the Administration for Community Living (ACL, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)) through USAging as part of a financial assistance award to USAging totaling $74,999,835 with 100 percent funding by A CL/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official view of, nor and endorsement, by USAging, ACL/HHS, or the U.S. Government.

Hailey Thoman, Associate Director

Hailey has worked in disability rights since 2011. Most of Hailey’s work has been focused on eliminating barriers to employment for people with disabilities while Executive Director for Linkages. She expanded her advocacy efforts when joining Direct Advocacy & Resource Center in 2019.

Join Our Accessible Health Fair!


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