Jamie Neidorf
Quality Improvement Director
Jamie has worked in disability rights for more than 15 years. Much of Jamie’s efforts have focused on increasing employment opportunities for people with disabilities by helping them understand the impact that earned income has on their disability benefits through her role as a Work Incentives Consultant.
She broadened her role within Direct and the greater disability community in 2018 when she stepped into the Quality Improvement Director position. Prior to joining Direct, Jamie worked as a state Budget Analyst, learning the ins and outs of the appropriation process and how essential programs to people with disabilities like TANF, SNAP, and Medicaid are under constant budgetary threat.
She also gained extensive knowledge about the legislative process and the unyielding influence lobbyists exert over legislative outcomes often to the disadvantage of financially insecure people including people with disabilities.
As a Medication Assistance Coordinator, Jamie learned about the myriad patient assistance programs for people under- or uninsured, including those in the Medicare donut hole. She also worked as a paralegal and developed a keen understanding of federal and local laws, including sentencing guidelines that unfairly impact marginalized populations like people with mental health disabilities and how, without the ADA, people with disabilities would be left to fend for themselves with little hope for progress or equitable resolution.
Jamie holds a Master of Arts Degree in Political Studies and is a Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS). In addition to her current role as Quality Improvement Director – the center’s Integrity Activist – Jamie maintains her Work Incentives Planning & Assistance Certification through Social Security Administration.